This post is dedicated to Bruce (Belinda's dad who came to visit for a week in April, AKA "Papa"). Who through his constant blogging during his entire visit and having talked to my mother took on himself the responsibility of being an inspiration to make me update the blog. I couldn't very well do it while he was still here, else he take all the credit. Enjoy!! =)
So kicking off my "Spring break", I got to spend 4 days with the Roan family while the Moffits were in Davao with the girls for their Stanford Achievement Tests. Above shows the Roan kids hanging out at the creek one day, L-R: Luke, Sophia, Katie and Jemma.
The rest of the break while Bruce was here was just spent relaxing, talking and chilling with the kids. Here is Neo and me one day hanging out (or as Neo says: "nuggling") in my room.
This is IT!?!?!? This is the waterfall my lungs nearly exploded to come and see? It was still worth it though. Picnic lunch and singing songs in the middle of a jungle is still fun, no matter how hard it was to get there.
Yummy lunch.