Before I start this blog, I just want to ask a quick question and see how many different answers I get. What do you see on this carpet? On our vacation we all saw this carpet and all came up with completely different answers. Just wanted to hear what other people have to say!

Ok, so my family has the coolest grandma. She owns this time-share and shares it with all of her kids. Our one other vacation on her time-share was spent at an EXTREMELY nice resort in Mazatlan, Mexico. Not to brag or anything, but the president of Mexico was there at the same time in the same building as us. (To help you envision how nice this place was.)
So this year my family got to go to the Wisconsin Dells. Basically a huge waterpark town for an entire WEEK. My brother, Mike, flew out from California to be with us, Chris and Amy drove out from Minnesota to be with us, and Chad (out other, non-related brother) drove out from Michigan to be with us.
But I take the jack-pot, flying out from the Philippines to be with them.

This was the closest waterpark to us. There were exactly 3 of these just in our building. HUGE, huge, huge buildings. There was a LOT of walking around, and running down the long, endless halls and tons of swimming in the indoor pools.

The tornado. Or as we called it, the toilet.

How mid-westerners envision the ocean?

The jacuzzi in my parents' room with the two brothers.

Chris, Amy (his fiancee) and Amy's parents came over for the weekend and we got to hang out with them until they left on Monday.

Then on Tuesday, Chad came over from Michigan to spend the rest of the vacation with us - his extended family.

My poor sister. This girl has to put up with my brother, Johnny and his messy ways. He somehow managed to squeeze his ice cream cone, get ice cream ALL over his face and hands, and Bekah's face and hands.

And use up an abundance of napkins.....

And earn himself a table to himself, while Bekah moved to her own table.

While the rest of us laughed at them.

...and tried on weird cow masks.

What would a vacation in Wisconsin be without trying cheese? So we went to the cheese store to buy some squeaky cheese and play with all the souvenirs.

My dad and Chad both had birthdays that week so we celebrated with a DQ cake.

The last day of our vacation it was just the original family, my parents, me and the younger three so we just went go carting then out to Taco Bell for dinner.

This is the whole group before Chad and Mike left. What a FUN vacation!!