Saturday, February 20, 2010

Photo shoooooooot.

Still don't really know what's wrong with me - but I'm still sick!!! The first day I was sick, I talked to a nurse over the phone and described my symptoms and she said it was probably just a sinus infection from a cold I had last week so I started this nasal spray thing and taking advil and it helped immediately. But I'm still exhausted all the time and I woke up yesterday morning with an ear infection. Suuuuck. This whole week has really been crazy on my body. I've been sleeping minimum 12 hours a night and my whole body is just sore and tired all the time. Howeeeeever, last night Hali and I got to get out and get some pictures taken so I'm going to put up a few. It was so nice to leave my bed for once and get all dolled up and showered. haha. I was looking pretty mangy and gross.

It's fine. We're just models now. It's not a big deal at all.


  1. Nice photos -- hope you are soon feeling back to normal. Still praying for you!

  2. Hey girl, beautiful pictures! And I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. :-( Will be praying that your body can rest and you can get over whatever it is that's making you so tired and sick. xoxo

  3. Yes, very guapa indeed. Both of you!

    Are you modeling for Tom's Shoes???
    You should put in a plug for them.

  4. Get a blood test for Mono and anemia.
